Wednesday 24 September 2008

When it rains it pours....

Well, we're well into week 2 of nonstop drama. If it's not one thing, it's another. But that's OK, I guess it keeps me on my toes and praying.

Monday morning, Hazel and I got up, drove Brett to work, and came home to get ready for Mom and Tots at 10. Well, I accidentally fell asleep while laying Hazel down for her morning nap, which means I didn't get into the shower until 9:40. YIKES!!!! Well, it turns out that it was a good thing that we were running late, otherwise, we would have missed the phone call from our travel agent, saying that our trip was canceled and we needed to come in right away and reschedule. Apparently, the airline we were flying from Belfast to Crete (a Greek Island) was the airline that just went bankrupt. Nice.

If you look to the right side of the screen, at the top of the page, you will notice that we currently have less than 2 weeks before we leave. Which means that when they called, we had 15 days till our vacation. *sigh*

So, long story short, we have spent the past 2 days in Belfast, at the travel Agent's, trying to figure out what we can do to change the package so we can still go on vacation as planned. Our options were VERY limited. Basically, we could keep our original package, only fly out of London (do we live near London? no, we live near Belfast or Dublin...London lies on another ISLAND) and it would cost us almost $1000 more. Sounds like a deal, doesn't it?

NO! Geeze.

Next option was to pick another option that our Holiday Company (Olympic Holidays)--not the Travel Agent--offers for the same time frame. Which was 2 hotels, for more $$ with less stars and CRAPPY reviews. No thanks.

The last option was to get a full refund from Olympic, and reschedule the vacation for another time. Which wouldn't be until next year, and we were hoping to get another vacation in Europe in next year before we move home....

So, in other words, this sucked. Bad.

When Hazel and I went back to Belfast yesterday to figure out if we'd have more options if we adjusted our package options, the nice lady at the agency found us one more hotel option.

Have I told you how amazing God is? How he blesses us every day?

The last option was a room at the hotel we originally wanted BEFORE we scheduled our original vacation. It's at the Blue Marine Hotel on Crete. The reason we didn't choose it before was b/c it was very expensive to fly out of Belfast to Crete and stay at that hotel. However, because that airline went out of business, and they were the only carrier to fly out of Belfast to Greece, and now, no matter what we do, we have to fly out of London, it turns out to be almost exactly the same $$ for the better hotel that we wanted to begin with!!!!

So, after all our stress that the trip might be lost for good, it's back on!

One drama down....many many many more to go....

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