Tuesday 2 September 2008

Day 7 of the Jetlag Watch....

I'm tired. I'm really tired. Tonight is one week of jetlag, and (please, Lord) let it be the last night. Last night Hazel woke up 3 times between us putting her to bed at 8 and getting up this morning at 7. This time, however, I managed to keep her from really getting up and playing all three times. We just kind of snuggled until she was ready to go back to her bed.

It was really cute, though, last night. The first time she really woke up was shortly after she fell asleep. Maybe about 45 minutes later...anyway. She didn't want to lay next to me, she didn't want to nurse, she JUST wanted held. It was so wonderful to just sit there snuggling her and Bunny on my chest. She's such a sweetheart.

Speaking of which, we've become really big on "hugging" things. Which means that she lays her head down on something (pillows, carpet, stuffed animals, the couch, etc.) and lets out a sigh. SOOOOOOO darling. It's actually become a game of sorts. We'll lay our head on something, and she'll come over and lay her head on it and sigh, then we'll do it to something else and she'll do it too. You get the point. Anyway, last night Hazel and I were playing the game, waiting for Daddy to get home, and I laid my head down, so she decided to "hug" the floor. Well, she was on her knees and very close to the floor, but managed to attack the floor too fast and bumped her nose and lips on it, biting her lip in the process. There was blood EVERYWHERE. I felt so awful. the wound didn't bleed long, and she seemed to recover quickly, but, darn it. Seems our daughter is doomed to be as graceful as her mommy. It wasn't like we were rough-housing and she fell and bit her lip. We were being fairly docile and she still ended up bleeding. Sigh.

So, I have to share Hazel's Belfast poop story with everyone. So if you're not a poop story fan, skip to the next paragraph...if you love poop stories...this is a doosey, so read on. Ok, Saturday afternoon, Hazel, Jenn Smith, and I headed into Belfast to go to the Farmer's Market to buy seafood for dinner. The boys were playing tennis that afternoon, so we decided to do some shopping after we picked up dinner. Summing up the afternoon, we just walked around and chatted, Hazel was awesome and spent most of the afternoon in the stroller (unusual) and we headed home about 4:30 or 5. We got up to the car and started to unload the bags and Hazel and, as I was putting her in her carseat, I knew I smelled poo. Jenn said she was sure it was just the seafood smell from the cooler in the trunk. So I put Hazel into her carseat, but I couldn't shake the poo smell from my nose, so I leaned over to check Hazel out for signs of poo. She seemed to smell fine, but I thought it couldn't hurt to get her out and change her diaper before we headed home anyway. Well, as I picked her up, her pants were slightly damp and very heavy, and I thought....Oh, no.....we've had a blow out and it's leaked out of her diaper. I was wrong. We defenitely had a blow out, but, somehow (and I really have yet to figure out how, it baffles me) she managed to poop OUTSIDE her diaper. Her well intact diaper. Somehow, she managed to poop completely outside her diaper and down her leg, leaving the perfectly good diaper, clean....well, from the inside, the outside was a fair mess. then, as I was changing her diaper, she PEED all over the back seat and her shoes. It was all kinds of fun. Needless to say, she was thrown in the tub as soon as we got to Matt and Jenn's. IT was really really really gross.

Oh, the joys of motherhood. :)

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