Monday 22 September 2008


So, we have new neighbors. They're fun. (Note the sarcasm)

We aren't really sure when the quiet foreign (we think Russian, maybe?) guys moved out and the meth/coke/pot/heroin crazies moved in, but what we do know is that it's been colorful here for the past week or so.

The first of the Crazy Family we noticed was the little blonde haired boy who (I think) lives there. He was cute at first, and now I firmly believe he's the inspiration for the small boy in the Omen. His past times include pounding firmly on our patio doors and/or our front door, playing kick ball in the small courtyard (occasionally kicking the ball toward the GLASS patio doors of the homes that surround the of which is ours). Did I mention how cute he was?

Then, thursday morning, Hazel and I were patiently awaiting the arrival of our lovely Tesco delivery, when someone knocks on the door. It was 10 till 8, a little more than an hour early for Tesco, but I thought, hey, the delivery guy's been early before. So I look out and see a guy in a loud yellow tee, so I leave the chain on, but open the door. He smiles a very crooked smile at me, and tells me he's run out of gas (we pay-as-you-go for our natural gas in these townhomes for things such as the stove, water heater, etc) and was wondering if I had a light. Then he holds up.....

a joint.

Yes, that's right. He wanted to know if I had something for him to light his Marijuana with. I politely said no. He introduced himself as Billy, shook my hand and left.


Since then, on a daily basis, the Crazy woman living there has screamed (loudly and with their front door open) at everyone who walks through their door. If she wasn't slurring her words, she'd be screaming so loud you could hear every word. It is absolutely ridiculous her volume. The most colorful was today. She decided that whatever guy was just at her house, owed her money, and apparently he wasn't going to give it to her. What followed was easily 15+ minutes of "Give me my money, you B&*tard!" over and over again, at the top of her lungs.

To make matters worse, every person who walks out of that house looks all cracked out. My heart just breaks for that little boy.

We have just made the decision that either THEY leave, or we do.

I'm looking at a house next Monday....

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