Wind. And lots of it. It's blowing over the chimney, making it sound like there's an air raid going on above our house. It's doing it's best to break in through the patio doors in the dining/toy room. It's cutting out our Satellite so that every so often while I was giving Hazel a "tubby" I would hear Brett cry out as it was interrupting his Rugby match (go Ulster!).
It's windy outside.
I'd never experienced real wind until we moved here. "Gale force" is such a mild sounding name for the insanity going on outside. Used to be that it would make me very nervous as, in the Midwest, if you get this kind of wind, you better be prepared for whatever season appropriate weather was blowing in. Now, it's just annoying to have to turn up the TV to hear. It's hard to ignore when you're trying to fall asleep and hear nothing but the banshees SCREAMING outside your walls. And all of it is just wind...for no reason!
I, personally, prefer Thunder. At least it has an almost symphonic resonance to it...
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