Wednesday, 5 January 2011

One Year Later...

A lot has gone on in the months that have followed my last post.

We're still in Northern Ireland. And will be for another year.

We've had a gorgeous baby boy named, Callum Elijah.
He's perfect, and amazing, and literally everything I could have ever asked God to bless me with (just like his big sis)....

I flew to London in September.

Hazel turned 3 in September.

and started school 1 week later....

We visited Rome in October.

don't ask about the picture...I'm still angry about the pictures (I got duped out of 20 Euro).

Then we headed home for Christmas about 3 weeks ago. I still can't believe we've been here for 3 weeks already, but time flies when you're runnin' about havin' fun, huh??

I promised myself this year wasn't going to start off with resolutions that I wouldn't keep. I've never really done it in years past, but I really don't think I should start now, either.

But I have decided to do things to make this year fly by as completely fast as possible. I get to move home in 11 months, and I have decided to approach this year as time I get to prepare for our return home. Knit until my fingers fall off, sew all I can while I have access to my sewing machine, start a FYI book for Adam and Lindsay for their move to St. Andrews, Scotland in August.

I may not be Martha Stewart. But darn it, I'm gonna do my best.

I'm wondering at what point my kids will get sick of my blow-through-the-year-at-lightning-speed attitude?

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