Friday 25 April 2008

3 hours of sleep kinda makes mommy crazy...

So 2 things occured last night that prevented me from falling asleep like any reasonable adult would and staying asleep (a reasonable # of hours) like any reasonable adult should.

Event #1: I finished my lacey bonnet for Hazel. And it was so darn cute I had to take pictures of it and post it on T & My knitting blog. So that put me to bed at 1, 45 minutes after Hazel went to bed (which was my first mistake).


Event #2: Hazel decided I had slept long enough about 4:30 this morning. Apparently it's fun to watch Mommy function on a little over 3 hours of sleep....

So we got up, played, watched Little People movie, and got ready to take Daddy to work.
Hey, I was wide awake, so why not! Then I decided to get all our errands run before we came home so we could come back for a nap...but it was 7:30...and NOTHING opens till 9 here. NOTHING. So we came home so I could get some mail together to send out, then I changed and did my makeup, brushed my hair, and drove us into town...still, being overambitious, it was only 8:30....

Sigh. I eventually got all my errands run, but not before walking all over downtown carrying Hazel (she was sick of the stroller). Now, carrying a 17+ lb child all over downtown is exhausting in of itself. Then add no sleep to the mix. I needed a nap. But we didn't get home till noon, and I have to go get Brett at 3...and I KNOW if I fall asleep, I'm checking out for a while. Nothing short of shaking me to death will wake me up, so I didn't want to strand him at FG Wilson...

So I'm sitting here organizing the proofs from Hazel's 6 month pictures....1/2 awake...

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